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Writer's pictureEnvision Initiative

Don't Let Expertise Walk Out the Door: Implementing Effective Knowledge Transfer

people attending a speaking session

Imagine this frequent scenario:

A seasoned employee retires from your organization, taking with them a treasure trove of institutional knowledge – client & vendor relationships, industry insights, project management tools and workflows, and – maybe mostly critically – an understanding of when and how to bring a problem to your attention. 

Without a proper transfer plan, this knowledge walks away with your departing employee, leaving you and your team members to fill not just the position, but the unique set of skills that your former colleague developed from that position.

What is knowledge transfer?

Knowledge transfer is the systematic process of capturing an individual employee's expertise and distributing it throughout the organization. It's not just about documenting procedures – it's about preserving the nuances, the unspoken "tricks of the trade," that employees accumulate over years. 

Knowledge transfer is critical during separations -- whether they're permanent, planned departures or unexpected leaves of absence. But a robust and routine knowledge transfer process can also benefit your team even when done as a precaution versus a response to a specific scenario. Consider the following benefits of sharing knowledge: 


  • Boosting collaboration: When knowledge flows freely, everyone learns from each other. Your newly-hired sales rep fresh out of college could probably learn a thing or two from the VP who has been closing sales for 20+ years!

  • Building resilience: A centralized warehouse of expertise creates a safety net, ensuring critical operations continue uninterrupted even when key individuals are absent. This can be a simple Google Doc that all team members can contribute to, or a robust project management platform.

  • Facilitating succession planning: Identifying and nurturing replacements becomes easier when valuable knowledge is readily accessible.

  • Enhancing employee engagement: Recognizing and valuing individual knowledge contributions creates a sense of appreciation and ownership within the team. Was your employee able to sign a new client by establishing a shared love of soccer? That employee should be celebrated, and the rest of the team should know who to cheer for when engaging with that client!

Action items for effective knowledge transfer:

  1. Start with "Knowledge Champions": Identify the longest-tenured individuals in each department and ask them to spend a few minutes documenting their unique expertise. If you need help, contact us below and we'll send you a list of questions to ask!

  2. Create a Centralized Knowledge Bank: Make sure captured knowledge is easily accessible and searchable, not buried in individual drives or email chains.

  3. Make it a Habit: Block out an hour every quarter for a "braindump" session. Individual employees should use this time to updated the centralized knowledge bank with any processes, skills, or other information they learned over the previous 3 months. 


Remember, knowledge isn't static. A little systematic documentation goes a long way towards making sure key information flows throughout your organization rather than live in the brain of a single employee. 

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